Thursday, January 3, 2013

Frohes Neues!

Well, I think it's been about 3 months since I actually took the time to type up something, but Monday was New Years Eve, or Silvester as they call it in Germany. Definitely loads of fun! I went to a party with some friends, got a little drunk, smoked a little shisha, and shot of fireworks in the street at midnight.

The moment when 2013 hit and everyone was hugging everyone saying "frohes neues", was full of emotion. I have to admit that I did tear up a bit, not because I was sad or anything, but because when that moment hits, you think about everything that has happened in the past year. Last New Years, I had just submitted my application for CBYX and this time, I was in Germany with some of the most amazing people ever. This year has definitely been the fullest year of my life. I have done so much! I have fortunately made so many new life long friends, but I have unfortunately drifted from others. It is in that moment that you realize just how truly amazing your life is. How many other people have two lives? Well I do and I love them both.

I'm extremely excited to spend the next half year in Germany, but I am freaking out at the moment about how my year is half way over. I just want to go back to August, so I can have my whole year back. Time just goes by way to fast and I'm going to wake up tomorrow and be on the flight home. I am no where ready for that! I am no where ready to leave my new life here and the amazing people who were strangers to me in August, but mean so much to me now.