Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Night Before

So I am less than 24 hours away from leaving my family, friends, and everything I know to start out on a new adventure, a new chapter in my life. I'm sure this year will be full of many ups and downs (hopefully more ups than downs) and life changing experiences every day. I hope to gain not only a new understanding of the German culture and language, but new life long friends and a new perspective on life. Obviously, as my time here comes to an end, I have been reflecting on everything. A few things I've learned? 1) I'm absolutely going to miss everyone here. 2) I've been ready to leave, be on my own, and start adventures for myself and this just happens to be the perfect opportunity for that. And 3) I'm starting to freak myself out because I can't figure out why I'm not nervous yet. I guess it just hasn't hit me yet. That's what the plane ride's for.

One thing for sure is that I love this planet so many people and cultures call home and I'm ready to see more of it.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Host Family!

I found out earlier today that I was placed with a host family in Willingshausen!! It's a small city just left of the center of Germany and about an hour and a half north of Frankfurt. So far, all I know is I have a host mom, host dad, and three sisters (16, 31, and 34), but only one of them still lives at home (16). They also have a small dog, a rabbit, mice, and fish!

As of now, I have just over a week before the start of my pre departure orientation before I fly out!!
