Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mein Erste Woche!

My first week with my host family was also my first week of school!

First off, my host family is really nice! Not too much to talk about yet, since my host parents only speak a little Englisch and I only speak a little German, but my host sister speaks Englisch pretty well. Today, I cut off all English with her though so I will learn German faster.

Alright, now to school. School in Germany is definitely different from high school in the States. I have a different schedule everyday. Here's my current schedule:

Monday: Chemistry, Chemistry, Math, Math, Ethics, Free Block, Englisch, Sport, Sport (I get out at 3)
Tuesday: German, German, Politics, Politics, History, History, Biology (I get out at 1:30)
Wednesday: History, Chemistry, Biology, Politics, Math, Math, Free Block, Art, Art (I get out at 3)
Thursday: Biology, Biology, German, German, Englisch, Englisch (I get out at 12:40)
Friday: Biology, Biology, Englisch, Englisch, Ethics, Ethics (I get out at 12:40)

I've been given 4 weeks to test out my classes and if any of them are a hopeless cause, then I get to switch out. Each class is 45 minuten long and if one of my teachers isn't there, then class is canceled. No subs. Also, all my classes are in a different room. For example, my Englisch class will be in one room on Monday, another room on Thursday, and another room on Friday! I've never had to keep track of so many rooms! Also, the school is so hard to find your way around in. It's not like the halls in Tallwood. It was described to me by my Englisch teacher as "a patchwork school." 4 floors and each floor has a different layout.

The kids at school are nice, but I haven't talked to too many since I don't speak much German yet. And same with all the teacher. In most classes, they let me just sit there and doodle. Except for Englisch class. My Englisch teacher now refers to me as "The Dictionary."

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Sounds quite different than at home. But we wanted you to have a great adventure and it sounds like you are already!! School will get easier I am sure. looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

    Aunt Ann
