Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Schedule (Shout out to 2013!)

New Schedule!

Monday: Chemistry, Chemistry, Math, Math, Free Block, Free Block, Englisch, Sport, Sport (I get out at 3)
Tuesday: Deutsch, Deutsch, Free Block, Free Block, History, History, Biology (I get out at 1:30)
Wednesday: History, Chemistry, Biology, Free Block, Math, Math, Free Block, Art, Art (I get out at 3)
Thursday: Biology, Biology, Deutsch, Deutsch, Englisch, Englisch (I get out at 12:40)
Friday: Biology, Biology, Englisch, Englisch (I get out at 10:55!)

Oh and what did I do today? Went to school. Had two blocks of Deutsch, where I was given a short story to read, that was made for 10 year old, because I don't know enough German to do what the rest of the class was doing. Then, my politics class (which I am now no longer in) was canceled so I had two free blocks, where I got to walk around town, buy some new shoes, and still  have 45 minutes to hang out with my host sister and her friends. After that, I had two blocks of History, but my teacher decided to end class early, so what would've been 1.5 hours was 30 minutes. ANOTHER free block until what time History would've been over. Then came Bio, where we didn't do anything but talk about our trip to the zoo in Frankfurt next week. Just another normal day in Germany. I love German schools!  

Also, today was the last first day of high school for all my friends in the class of 2013!! For all of you guys, enjoy!! Senior year is going to be soo much fun!! Don't forget to let all the freshmen know about the pool on the third floor and, of course, you better win the spirit stick!! I'm counting on you guys! Don't let me down! :) Let's go Tallwood!! Love you guys <3

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