Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mein leben...

Here are some things I've learned since my last post:

1) Germans will tell you, you don't drink enough at parties.
2) You might start to think you're a chocoholic.
3) You will never be so happy in your life to get 6/26 correct on your math test.
4) This is pretty accurate:

5) "Stop trying to look back, unless it's to be proud of how far you've come" (stolen from another CBYXer)
6) You will start to realize that you are going to have WAY too many inside jokes that people at home won't get.
7) You will be happy if your Chemistry teacher actually takes your doodled on test.
8) You will start to rely on autocorrect to correct your now bad Englisch spelling.
9) You might actually be taught Englisch by a German...
10) In art class, your picture may be called "Bert" (from the show "Bert and Ernie") by your art teacher and everyone (including you) will laugh. It might even be the highlight of your day.
11) You might start to love art class because of the amount of laughing you do with everyone around you as your art teacher does and says the strangest things.
12) You will LOVE knowing people who have been former exchange students.
13) Germans are fun people.
14) I love being an exchange student!

Hopefully more to come, if I'm not too lazy and can think of half the funny things that actually happen to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rachel! What a great blog post! A couple of reflections on your reflections...
    About autocorrect and Germans teaching you English: I know adults with advanced degrees who couldn't compose a legible email without autocorrect (but, sadly, do not have a German to teach them English).
    About art class and Bert: sounds like a riot!! See if you can make any other Muppets (I'm particularly partial to Cookie Monster and Kermit).
    Looking forward to reading more...
    Love, Aunt Ellen
