Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mein leben...

Here are some things I've learned since my last post:

1) Germans will tell you, you don't drink enough at parties.
2) You might start to think you're a chocoholic.
3) You will never be so happy in your life to get 6/26 correct on your math test.
4) This is pretty accurate:

5) "Stop trying to look back, unless it's to be proud of how far you've come" (stolen from another CBYXer)
6) You will start to realize that you are going to have WAY too many inside jokes that people at home won't get.
7) You will be happy if your Chemistry teacher actually takes your doodled on test.
8) You will start to rely on autocorrect to correct your now bad Englisch spelling.
9) You might actually be taught Englisch by a German...
10) In art class, your picture may be called "Bert" (from the show "Bert and Ernie") by your art teacher and everyone (including you) will laugh. It might even be the highlight of your day.
11) You might start to love art class because of the amount of laughing you do with everyone around you as your art teacher does and says the strangest things.
12) You will LOVE knowing people who have been former exchange students.
13) Germans are fun people.
14) I love being an exchange student!

Hopefully more to come, if I'm not too lazy and can think of half the funny things that actually happen to me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

2 Months...

I am now exactly 2 months into my adventure! There have been SO MANY interesting moments! Both at camp and at my new school! Even though, most of the time I'm not quite sure what's going on, these past two months have been two of the best months of my life! 9 more amazing months ahead!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Few Things

Here are a few things I've learned the last few weeks with my host family and in school:

1) If you ever come to Germany, expect to eat bread. Lots and lots of bread. And Nutella. Nutella is basically the German equivalent of peanut butter in the States. You can find it in any house.
2) Just because the chocolate is AMAZING doesn't mean it's a good idea to eat like 3 bars a week. Even if they are only .99 euros.
3) Expect EVERYONE to know who you are. I've had so many people pass by me in the hall and say "hi Rachel" so I always say hi back and then realize walking away that I have no idea who they are. A lot of times, I've never even seen them. Still don't know how they know who I am.
4) If your history teacher gives you a test on the French Revolution and the only words you understand are "Der Französischen Revolution," draw him a picture of two groups of people fighting with dead people in between and label it "Der Französischen Revolution." He won't want your doodle and you will then be exempt from the test.
5) Their windows are really cool.
6) Germans really like cake and coffee.
7) If you plan on coming to Germany, learn how to use Inliners (skates) as you're first experience in Sport (Gym) class may be going downhill on wheels. Also, learn how to use the brakes before attempting to go downhill.
8) If you are in a really good mood and telling everyone who sits next to you in your classes "Ich liebe Deutschland" expect a lot of "so süß" comments.
9) You will be fluent in Deutlish (a mixture of Deutsch and Englisch)
10) Even though at language camp they tell you to say "yes" to everything does not mean everything, especially if you don't know exactly what they're saying, as this may result in you sitting in a bar with beer after a crazy German party that also contained beer. You may be happy just to make it down the stairs and to the car. And never ever ever, let the "Ich liebe Deutschland" that you were going to say, come out right as you are being handed alcohol, as that will be the running joke with the German kids for the rest of the night.
11) They think your American accent is cute and they will tell you that.
12) Bring a lot of things to do to school in case your teacher decides not to show up and you have more free time.
13) A love for Batman is international
14) If you think sparkling water is the worst thing you've ever tasted, about 2 months later, it won't be half bad.
15) If you've never been a tutor before, you now the entire school population.
16) My German teacher was right, everyone here uses fountain pens. Also, everyone here uses a triangular ruler thing called a "Geodreieck." EVERYONE. And everyone likes to use graph paper in any class, not just math.
17) Your Englisch teacher will probably at some point during the year refer to you as "The Dictionary."
18) Because you're from America, you're expected to know EVERYTHING about America.
19) Your Facebook using will go through the roof, as you're still trying to find things to do and it's the only thing to do. Email too.
20) German TV shows are really bad, hence the reason there are so many American shows made into German.

That's just a start of my adventure here! Still 9 months to go!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My CBYX Family

Here is a picture of everyone in my CBYX/CIEE/Experiment group this year. (Sorry I didn't upload this earlier.) These people are truly amazing! Right now, we are scattered all around Germany, but we have all made great friendships while at camp that will carry us through this year and through many years to come. They are some of the greatest people I know and I can't wait to see them at Mid-Year and End-Year and to hear about all their great adventures! They truly are my CBYX family. Love them all! <3


Here's a picture one of my friends, Sean, made. He definitely got CBYXers dead on.

Yes, that is Sean standing shirtless in the last picture. Don't ask about the flags, face paint, and wonderful outfits. It's a long story!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Schedule (Shout out to 2013!)

New Schedule!

Monday: Chemistry, Chemistry, Math, Math, Free Block, Free Block, Englisch, Sport, Sport (I get out at 3)
Tuesday: Deutsch, Deutsch, Free Block, Free Block, History, History, Biology (I get out at 1:30)
Wednesday: History, Chemistry, Biology, Free Block, Math, Math, Free Block, Art, Art (I get out at 3)
Thursday: Biology, Biology, Deutsch, Deutsch, Englisch, Englisch (I get out at 12:40)
Friday: Biology, Biology, Englisch, Englisch (I get out at 10:55!)

Oh and what did I do today? Went to school. Had two blocks of Deutsch, where I was given a short story to read, that was made for 10 year old, because I don't know enough German to do what the rest of the class was doing. Then, my politics class (which I am now no longer in) was canceled so I had two free blocks, where I got to walk around town, buy some new shoes, and still  have 45 minutes to hang out with my host sister and her friends. After that, I had two blocks of History, but my teacher decided to end class early, so what would've been 1.5 hours was 30 minutes. ANOTHER free block until what time History would've been over. Then came Bio, where we didn't do anything but talk about our trip to the zoo in Frankfurt next week. Just another normal day in Germany. I love German schools!  

Also, today was the last first day of high school for all my friends in the class of 2013!! For all of you guys, enjoy!! Senior year is going to be soo much fun!! Don't forget to let all the freshmen know about the pool on the third floor and, of course, you better win the spirit stick!! I'm counting on you guys! Don't let me down! :) Let's go Tallwood!! Love you guys <3